How to contribute

Requirements for OGX Field Journalists & Field Editors

Ocean Geographic Field Journalist

  1. Write three articles of 500-800 words within the first six months
  2. Articles must include five images that correspond with the article that either belong to the author or that the author has gotten permission to use for the piece
  3. Article topics must fall into at least two different categories to make sure that our content remains varied
  4. Write corresponding social media posts for FB to go along with article including the best representative photo so we can also post it on our Instagram page
  5. Repost articles on your personal social media account and link back to us

Benefit Options (after three contributions)

  1. Promoted to Ocean Geographic Explorer Field Editor
  2. Field Assignments
  3. Ocean Geographic Press Pass
  4. Travel & product discounts with Ocean Geographic partners
  5. We will work out with you what you value most—gear, travel, ad space, etc—and compensate you in a way that is most beneficial to you through discounts and the potential for OG associated travel.

Apply Now –

Send your resume, headshot and a portfolio of 5 images (jpeg – low res)

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Ocean Geographic Explorer (OGX) is a diving adventure resource with a special focus on marine photography and ocean conservation. Our content is divided up into six primary categories: Travel, Sea Science,  Equipment, Photography &Video, Conservation, and Lifestyle. We endeavor be a portal for people with all levels of interest in the marine environment  to learn about and become part of a community of like-minded ocean lovers who enjoy sharing their knowledge of and experiences in our fascinating ocean world.

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